Welcome to the Jefferson County Health Center (JCHC) website. We hope the information provided will help you explore our programs, services, and most importantly, our commitment to your health and well-being. For over 100 years, JCHC has remained focused on providing exceptional and compassionate care which is extended to our patients’ family members, loved ones, and friends as we recognize optimal health is a team effort. It is our priority to provide our patients with the treatment, resources, and care needed to return to the community as healthier individuals. In addition to serving our community when accident or illness threatens, we want to do everything we can to create an environment where healthy lifestyles and preventative health is attainable by all.
At JCHC, we understand that healthcare is evolving. We strive to bring up-to-date advances in medicine and medical technology along with patient-centered physicians and highly trained staff. Please use the tabs on our website to learn about the array of clinical services we offer and to view images of our welcoming facility. Our high-quality inpatient and outpatient services and state-of-the-art medical equipment make seeking medical treatment close to home a viable and practical choice. As our community evolves, we’ll continue to seek opportunities to build upon the services we offer.
Though the bricks and mortar and technical equipment are essential resources for our organization, the heart and soul of JCHC is its people. Our dedicated physicians, allied health professionals, nurses, technicians, and other JCHC staff blend compassion with skills, expertise, and the marvel of technology to make a difference in the lives of our patients and community.
I look forward to hearing about your experience at Jefferson County Health Center, either from you directly or through your responses to one of our patient surveys. I offer you my heartfelt best wishes for great health now and in the future.
Best wishes,
Bryan Hunger, MHA, CMPE
CEO, Jefferson County Health Center