Jefferson County Public Health Update
January 15, 2021
All allocated doses have been administered or are scheduled to be administered to the Phase 1A priority group by the end of this week.
1. Please follow local and state news for vaccine related information.
2. Each state is responsible to distribute their vaccine allocation through their state response process.
3. Iowa continues to work through Phase 1A priority groups (Healthcare providers, Long Term Care/Assisted Living Facilities)
4. JCPH is set to receive a vaccine allocation next week.
5. Phase 1B distribution will begin as soon as IDPH approves counties to move forward. (Remember, not all healthcare providers across Iowa have been vaccinated, as of this date and time)
6. JCPH continues to work with all community partners on a daily basis to ensure vaccine distribution.
7. Jefferson County Public Health will continue to receive Moderna vaccine, as it does not require ultra-cold storage.
8. Once a multi-dose vial of Moderna vaccine is open, it must be administered within 6 hours. This is another layer of communication and coordination on the part of Jefferson County Public Health and individuals meeting priority group definition.
9. Multi-dose vials contain 10-11 doses of vaccine. We administer all doses in the vial. We do not waste vaccine.
10. JCPH continues to receive updated information from the Iowa Department of Public Health on a daily basis. Updates/changes have happened 2-3 times per day, without advanced notice.
11. Please share this information with your family and friends, that may not have access to this Jefferson County specific information.
12. The team at JCPH appreciates your continued support and understanding with this priority-phased vaccination approach.
While we continue to work through this process, I will again remind everyone to follow best practices: *Wear a mask/face covering*Stay home when even mildly ill *Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow/upper arm* Good hand hygiene