Medicaid Unwinding Affects Over 200,000 Iowans: Learn How To Get Reinstated

If you have recently lost your Iowa Medicaid or Medicaid Managed Care coverage due to the states unwinding process and have not already turned in your application to get it reinstated; we would be happy to help. Fill out the form linked below and return it to The Financial Counselor at Jefferson County Health Center so that we can get you started in the reinstatement process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our patient financial services department at 641-469-4311 or 641-469-4301.

Form To Re-apply for Medicaid Coverage

What is the Medicaid Unwind?

Amid the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, states were mandated to sustain Medicaid coverage for all enrollees, sidestepping the usual annual "redetermination" process to ensure continuous access to necessary services during the crisis. With the Public Health Emergency concluding on April 1, 2023, Iowa Medicaid initiated a reassessment of eligibility for all members, a process spanning several months.

Who does the Unwind impact?

The Unwind affects all individuals enrolled in Iowa's Medicaid program, encompassing thousands of Iowans and millions nationwide. It's important to note that this reassessment isn't punitive—it's a standard procedure necessitated by the end of the emergency. Responding to communications from the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services is crucial for maintaining Medicaid coverage. If uncertain about the last update or application, expect involvement in the Unwind.

When does the Unwind take place?

The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services chose a timeline to be carried out through May 2024. This long span of time is intended to keep the volume of cases more manageable, instead of cramming everything into a short timeframe.

What should I do if I’m still eligible and want to keep Medicaid coverage?

Proactiveness is key. Ensure your current address is on file by calling Iowa Medicaid Member Services at 1-800-338-8366, especially if you've relocated since 2019. Await correspondence from Medicaid outlining next steps, which may involve updating information or completing a new application. Complete the steps within the 60-day timeframe to maintain coverage.

For inquiries about the Medicaid Unwind, contact Iowa Medicaid Member Services at 1-800-338-8366 or visit for additional information.